Some java… and a terrace.
how could you? I ask.
How could you ‘objectively’
describe music without poetry?
How could you explain a color. a taste. a feeling.
Memories could be traced on an empty evening effortlessly.
I could tell you what happened methodically. sequentially.
But how can I tell to you what I heard?
I’m trying to mend the gap
where on the floor there is a crack.
rather a ‘falaise’ you would say.
Did you do this?
Fury, and pain, after all… this.
Get your coat we’re leaving.
Yes, now.
Leave it all behind.
I don’t care how far or long.
Yes, grab some stuff to take along.
Where did your thoughts lead you?
A painful secluded oasis inside you.
I hope you are happy now.
I stayed till the end of that day
I saw it all, heard it all
Then, left. And promised to call…
Will some one say something funny?
It’s getting depressing around me!
absolutely breathless. but one time is enough..
yes. one is enough.. but the network was not working and kept spitting back my text. the indignity...
(why phone is off?)
ma fhimit shee
u are talented..but i sense a bit of pain and unhappiness...cheerio..will be back. By the way, thanks for popping by but need u to translate what u had
you sound like ziad (rahbani)
something funny..
do you know what the fish that swam into a concrete wall said?
dam! :)
me too me too...i didn't get it all....maybe i'm sleepy!
sorry for the confused post. personal associations, and I was venting.
Thanks Fouad (you're back?)
Question: What do you get when you cross the Godfather with a philosopher?
Answer: An offer you can't understand.
* * * * * *
"Wagner's music has beautiful moments but some bad quarters of an hour."
* * * * * *
Musical Definitions:
-subito piano: indicates an opportunity for some obscure orchestra player to become a soloist.
-crescendo: a reminder to the performer that he has been playing too loudly
-clef: something to jump from before the viola solo
-half step: the pace used by a cellist when carrying his instrument
-cadence: when everybody hopes you're going to stop, but you don't
-lamentoso: with handkerchiefs.
-oboe: an ill wind that nobody blows well
-tenor: two hours before a nooner
-diminished fifth: an empty bottle of Jack Daniels
-perfect fifth: a full bottle of Jack Daniels
-ritard: there's one in every family
-cut time
1. parole.
2. when everyone else is playing twice as fast as you are
-interval: how long it takes to find the right note. There are three kinds:
1. Major interval: a long time.
2. Minor interval: a few bars.
3. Inverted interval: when you have to go back a bar and try again.
-treble: women ain't nothin' but.
:) Fz
(I love it!)
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