I heard a sad melody on the subway tonight. a wailing violin.
The kind of music that seeps through your brain, then your body, then… leaves you emotionally paralyzed.
blood slowly dripping from your body.
until you are selfless. you are no more. until you feel melting.. amalgamating with the rest of the car.
you stop having personal boundaries. you f.. fuse. you merge. slowly.
titillating it was. a mystical orgy.
no more bars, no more seats, no more people, just a little blob of existence. of nothing. shapeless. more intimate than sex with someone you love. more tender…
more intimate than sex with someone you love?! i thought only chocolate can do that
You become a blur.Deep!
Independent of this, I just feel that you could actually 'lose' your existence in a crowd. absolutely. you feel that those people are an extension of your being. and it is... exciting. everyone should try it. (if it's not too sick for your taste)..
we hold on so strongly to our personal boundaries (which we immediately set up the second we are surrounded by strangers. notice in an elevator how we take an equidistant position from the others)... it feels so liberating to let go for a bit.. disappear in a crowd.
(you could try it while eating chocolate. how about that?)
I almost felt it...
Laila-you ruined it!!!
gus do you listen to nisrat 3ali fateh khan? i think you'd like him
I just downloaded one of his albums. he's amazing. thanks rouba.
I usually listen to sufis chants too.. I like their way of chanting the quran (especially the andalous ones).
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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