Playing piano in his running shoes…

He left the party late that night. He doesn’t like it when they come back home with him. He doesn’t know what to do with them, or himself after the sex is over… they sit in her bed. He pretends to be sleeping…
Tonight, he left alone. He didn’t even flirt with anyone there. It was one of those nights when one feels invisible. uninvited…
Home. alone. at dawn… he plays.
Chopin. Prelude numero 2.
Pam. rest. pa pam pam. rest. paam.
And he stopped. He closed the piano, and stared at his reflection on the shiny wood, his face slightly distorted by the words ‘Steinway & Sons’… he carefully dropped back the crochet throw over the keyboard cover, and silently muttered something about these ridiculous things that’d upset her if not done the way she wants. He didn’t mind though. not then. not since she left. he even centered the dried flowers on the body and smiled, knowing how this would please her… but thinking how much he hates to put something on the lid, and how much he likes to open his concert grand while playing…
He’s put on his jogging gear. but came back to the piano. he continued the Prelude. he played it again. then again.
Pam. rest. pa pam pam. rest. paam.
And again he stopped. He closed the piano and saw her reflection on the shiny wood, her face distorted by the words ‘Steinway & Sons’… she’s here. she’s back. But only to take her dried flowers, her crochet throw. to pack them with her things and leave… He felt a twinge of guilt for he was happy for a second… yes, a trace of happiness. because now he could play his piano open. But he immediately understood his pain, his loss… he would have no one to listen to him playing.
Silence. a pause. his running shoes squeaked on the pedal. she left.
he continued the prelude.
Pam. rest.
he thought about how much goes on during a note of silence between two lovers.
pa pam pam. rest.
he thought about how much was said during two notes in a prelude.
it's amazing
this is so beautiful, gus
so much does
go on in those silences
as captured by chopin
i love the squeak
of the shoe on the pedal
and the crochet throw
and the reflections
in that black shiny wood
i really second what hana once said to you :)
i'll be in beirut soon.. in a week or so and i'll call you... mounir says hi and i miss you..
sometimes you make me feel jealous..
that is a damn good post! brilliant..
thank you guys.
I am in NY right now. I can't smoke in the house, and was just sporting my underwear on the side walk smoking ferociously my morning cigarette. tres chic!
bas intebeh ma tekhod bard (sorry i just got back from lebanon so i'm repeating the same mouwwel)
gus. are you at john's?
what's happening? how did the ceremony go?
Ghassan, how beautiful.....
What an atmosphere! :)
Love the tiny details...
Pa. pum.
beautifully dark!
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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