I am not obsessive compulsive, but I am appalled when people use different ‘random’ fonts in their presentations, shocked beyond belief when they do it in a manuscript, and dissolve in tears if published unnoticed.
I have a bizarre sense of humor, and would like to live a caricature of my own life.
I enjoy editing my friends’ papers.
I use black for ‘control’ in a graph while everyone else uses white.
I don’t understand why people put the flap of the toilet paper roll facing the wall, while it clearly should be facing away form it.
I am an atheist, but I like to listen to prayers sometimes for the emotional experience.
I am eccentric.
I don’t like babies.
I love old people, and always think about how much history they’ve made.
I never cry, and wish I could. The only thing that could make me cry is self-pity.
I hate overly plaintive people.
I have a really bad memory (I once forgot the pin number for my ATM card).
I hate the subway.
I think I have agoraphobia. I love big parties though.
My ultimate most severe phobia is from cockroaches (writing the word makes me wince).
My elementary school teacher envisioned that I would become a movie director when I grow up. I became a scientist, and I never did grow up…
I have a huge metal brace with 12 screws implanted in my back. It makes metal detectors go off in airports.
I hate the vulgar. and I think people should always be polite and proper even in a casual atmosphere among friends.. even during an argument.
I am embarrassed if I am spoken to in a language I don’t understand, and I didn’t understand.
My parents are a couple of good friends to me, I love visiting them to catch up and gossip.
My brother is my parent.
My cousin is my brother.
I live out my fantasies and think that it’s good to do so.
I have absolutely no sense of direction and get lost all the time.
I am romantic, but not sensitive, and people have difficulty understanding that.
I love the ocean, and believe that I directly evolved from a fish.
I get severe lower back pain and I learned to ignore it.
I think I am developing some sort of manic depression because of the weather in Boston.
I love to check the etymology of words. a lot.
I truly abhor celery, but when my friends secretly add it to something they cooked for me I don’t usually take notice.
I wake up everyday at 3 in the morning to eat then go back to sleep.
I don’t have a TV. and can’t stand watching it. I love to watch movies though.
I can’t drive a car, and don’t think that it’s a necessity.
I am maniacally obsessed with balconies, yet I didn’t have one for the last 5 years.
I love rooftops, and get so thrilled when I go out on one.
The cello is my favorite instrument.
I paint while listening to music.
I love going to solo recitals.
I think my sense of smell is more advanced than the average person.
I want to retire in Montevideo, or Buenos Aires when I am old. I started learning Spanish.
I love modesty yet some people think I am arrogant.
It’s extremely difficult to offend me. And I usually have to consult with a third person to know if what had been said is actually considered ‘offensive’.
I am not confrontational, yet I always have to speak my mind even if it killed me, and one day it will.
I hate having fights with people, and never understand the reason why people should. yet I have enough fights on my hands to prove that I do instigate them sometimes.
Edith Piaf was my favorite singer during my early teen years.
My violin teacher, when I was a kid, told me that I suck. My parents used to beg me to stop playing when I was practicing. So I guess my music was painful. I wish I could play though.
I do not own a single piece of clothing with anything written or drawn on it. this is completely unintentional (I just noticed it few days ago).
I hate propaganda even when constructive.
I hate revolving doors, they make me nervous, especially when there're a lot of people and you have to synchronize your pace with theirs otherwise you'll get squished.
I used to think it’s extremely difficult to talk about one’s self, but I guess it’s not… hehehe.
haha - "I am romantic, but not sensitive, and people have difficulty understanding that." - me too.
I also get annoyed by people getting there, their and they're wrong. :P
mmm so, that is you....*smiles*
Can't cry.. Self pity..Can relate.
:) I love it!
"I am romantic, but not sensitive, and people have difficulty understanding that" that's so true about you
i see all of you guys liked the idea of having a post like that. wish the rest would do it. so you ABHOR celery! pretty strong feeling to celery!! other than that i see you´re starting to understand yourself..
i´m sitting in an internet cafe while corina is at the police station reporting her stolen card. yeah, by the way, we got mugged... by an arab..in barcelona!! a girl from south central and one from beirut who live in the bronx.. got robbed in barcelona..by a arab!!
are you serious?!
what was really funny is that the guy claimed to be from israel
I also periodically forget my ATM pin. Sometimes I forget my debit card pin in supermarkets; it is very embarrassing. Once I had to leave all the stuff I wanted to buy on the counter and leave as the cashier was eying me suspiciously. Since then, I carry my pin in my wallet.
I don't think it's a good idea, what if you got mugged (and Mirvat is a live testimony)?
does it happen to you too that you put something important somewhere so you will not lose it. and then of course you forget where you put it... then you try to analyze your own 'logic' and end up finding your keys in the freezer!
shit..i'm going to be living with YOU in the same building for the next year! :S
it's cool. I first look in the freezer now.
this self portrait is the best i've read, ghassan. you've taken it to a new level. oddly, i adore insects, even cockroaches...
maybe it's the lewd and primitive fact that they will survive a nuclear holocaust? i think misplacing objects may be genetic... in my family we seem to play "sherlock holmes" quite often... :) i love old people too.
thank you nisa, and thanks for stopping by..
fz, you adore.. 'them'! even waterbugs, you know when they have wings -horror!!
I like beetles though, and think my fear from roaches is because they are cursorial, the run fast..
and I'm getting worse, lately I tried to read the metamorphosis again.. but I couldn't!
u bet! u made it sounds so easy :)
as a child i made a scene over how "even sourcars have families!" which is still a hit at family reunions. the flying ones are truly stunning... but since the entree of my cats, they've all disappeared... :)
sourcars :)
have you ever watched Samir Ghanem's (he's an Egyptian comedian) play Al-Moutazawejoune? (the married)... there's a whole scene about that. hahaha...
el sourcar..that´s funny :)
fz just dissed all our self portraits!!!
i loved the post gus and i love the picture..
i did something really exciting today, i´ll email you about it.
i come to your blog when i am homesick :)
yalla email me,
i didn't diss them! :) i meant um, one of the best... after um, mirvat's! :) seriously, they are all beautiful & great reads.
the cousin is the brother, the brother is the parent, the parents are the friends... so Shakespearian :)
Bloggers make me feel so humble! Your writing is so overwhelming.. I've been writing since I was 10, and reading since 13, and this piece of writing is none like anything I wrote or read.. So original!
eve it's true :)
beebee, thanks! thanks for stopping by.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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