
I walked into the lab.
“hey, what’s up?”
“I’m waiting.”
“waiting for what?”
“For Friday.”
“good one.” (But I know what he means!)
The day progressed with phone calls from the international office, saying that my visa application is missing a document. delays. crap. more carp. a $1000 fee (WHAT??)
Manuscript. more revisions. more revisions. (just more! I’ll be dead before publishing it – postmortem publication, how avant-garde!)
Work. I don’t have cells. (didn’t I ask for cells?!)
American Express. another bill. (didn’t they receive my last – this change-of-address thing is so bogus.)
Fedex. They lost my shipment. (insurance? are you serious?)
Alright then. The best way to deal with a bad day is to end it. period. no more. I am going home.
“I am not leaving the house again!”… not even to get dinner. I’ll prepare something. I only have some frozen vegetables. Well, that’ll do. not leaving the house.
I put the frozen stuff in a Pyrex tray. Now that tray has been in the oven a few times before at pretty elevated temperatures. So I thought, “well, I’ll put it on the stove to melt the stuff a bit, then transfer it to the oven”… “ah, let me shake it a little”.. so I hold the tray in both hands, wiggle it for a second, and then.. and then… the whole thing EXPLODES IN MY FACE (thank goodness I had my glasses on). I got cuts all over (small cuts.. but still they hurt), and glass shrapnel and my pathetic vegetables all over the kitchen and me.
I examined running down the street screaming and flapping my arms (like one does), but judged against it and got take-out…
And it didn’t stop today!!
The pain from one of the cuts on my left foot turned to numbness. I got my first cell culture contamination. My experiment is delayed. and…
OK. I’ll go work at home now…
(thanks for listening)
After my vacation, I am going to look at the sea beyond this fucked shore! And then, my life will be always like a gorgeous friday!!! M.
I hope it will my friend.
ye7re´deenak!! are you ok?
7amdella 3assaleme 7abebe. didn´t i tell you never to attempt cooking or reheating? i´ll write more later. i´m sweating in this stupid room and the night receptionist, who looks exactly like your dad by the way, is waiting for me to close the room. yalla cheer up
I once used a pyrex plate in the oven, then after taking the food off the plate, I poured some cold water to clean it up a little... Not a good idea.
I had the same experience in front of 22 people I invited for dinner ... Everybody thought it was a terrorist attack , I was left with the broken glass to clean off a table full of food and those 22 people missed out on a very good beef shawarma plate...
Gus, salamtak...are you ok?
Laik...hawwena bithoon....things could have been worse....well, what I'm saying isn't making you feel better....is it? Anyways, bad and good days never last....so, cheer up my friend!
thanks for making me laugh after a horrible day. hope ur cuts r healing
well, I'm fine...only the cut on my foot hurts still because I actually just noticed there is still a piece of glass there.
Mirvat you're right.. do you remember when I left the oven on for one week? I'm waiting for an email. and I miss sweating (I think my sweat glands died long time ago.. or rather atrophied!
JIJ, not a good idea at all.. now I am totally scared to use any glass utensils.. I'm switching to copper.. you know I am giving up on the whole kitchening thing :(
anonymous - 22 people! I could only imagine your reaction. mine was stunned for 1 minute to realize what just happened. in front of people it'd embarrassing.
Hashem, hopefully... it's just one of those times when everything goes wrong and keep going wrong (still tonight I was attacked by a vicious bostonian duck)
Laila, you too!!
a bostonian duck attached you? laik? fi shi nayzak dropped on u yet?
Anyways, how are u doing today? better?
Gus, how are you feeling today after such a traumatic episode?
Considering I'm missing a nice chunck of tissue from my body, I'm doing pretty well. Hopefully the pathology results will indicate that all the dysplastic cells were removed.
I'm debating whether or not to milk my situation for all that i can get from it....namely sympathy and perhaps a little extra time on some deadlines that my bosses have imposed upon me. You remember how demanding some bosses can be, right?
You and I should forget about trying to be like normal people. We shouldn't try cooking at home without adult supervision and we should stay away from sharp objects and electrical cords. Most importantly, we shouldn't procreate.
Why is the time stamp reading 11:35am when it's really 2:30pm?
I thought it was funny too :s Hope it wasn't toooo painful.
hamdellah 3assalemeh shrik. update in physics 101 for 19.95. give me a call :)
AMBER! hope you're feeling well.
of course milk it.. and they still are after we leave, I am still revising my manuscript *grin* enough said, eh?
and I know, I guess I'll transform the kitchen into a walk in closet or something.. hahah
mar.. yeah.. well, a lot of 'funny' episodes happens to me.. friends swore that they could see a dark cloud traveling above my head..
fouad, quien es esta el 'physics'?
well, but it was a pyrex! at least now I experimented entropy first hand :)
yep, you're at one with the second law of thermodynamics... :) from those basic physical principles come the metaphors of life!
it's fine 'd'. thanks for stopping by :)
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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