
Since my first post…

It has been a year.
the canvas is still empty.
the door left ajar.
and I still have nothing to say.
my colors are still packed for better days.
my words are reserved and I haven’t shared with you the color of my insides…
the red well tucked in a tube. the blue waiting to sprinkle the white. and the white waiting to lose itself in someone else’s existence.
my brushes are dry. their hair virgin and smooth.
all I read is you.
I learned your expressions, your moods…
I did spill some of my red on this page.
but my canvas is still empty and I still have nothing to say.


Maya@NYC said...

oh la la! men wen bet jiboun! master artist! but you are wrong... the canvas is so colored, so rich, and we know we are only seeing the tip of a beautiful iceberg... keep coloring...

jooj said...

ghassan, kil haida and nothing to say?

Ghassan said...

thanks. I'm tickled... red. but I still haven't. and I am not just saying. it's just... I still haven't started painting!
anyway it's the one year anniversary of my blog - ha. ha... hence the assessment.

Unknown said...

you never attempted oil before. that's all :) forget about shadows and light and paint.. a week in san diego should inspire you.. yalla come

Krys said...

Euh I read many of your posts and if you feel like you had nothing to say then what about the blogs who really have nothing to say!!!

Anyway, happy bday for ur blog :))

_z. said...

happy 1st year.

the setting of your apt is very artistic.
I have an empty canvas lingering in the apt too.
You know what I think we keep the empty canvas as a reminder to keep longing, and hoping for a change in our etat d'ame. A more positive one, where then, you could start drawing. but the truth is that if you draw in this state of mind, the art will be more sincere, the colors vivid and painful, and the composition as complex as life itself.

here's to another year of creation gus.


Ghassan said...

_z. I loved your comment!

Maya@NYC said...

me too!..._z. is a poet in disguise!

Unknown said...

yeah i loved z's comment too. it makes a lot of sense and it's so hopeful :)

Unknown said...

This is why i'm afraid to even go buy a canvas and put it in my room!

i'm scared it'll stay white :(

_Z great comment :)