- Darfur.
- Tell me something tender… Something sweet!
- You are crazy, you know.
- Life is sweet, love, only when you are a little crazy.
- A little, yes. But not head in the clouds all the time.
- My head is on your lap now… and besides life is less bitter when you care to dream…
- And the pain goes away with a gentle kiss, right? mmm…
....................“Le chagrin est vite apaisé,
....................et se console d' un baiser”
....................(sang in the background).
- Not the pain I saw today… not the pain of Drafour…
- Darfur, love... No, now you tell me something sweet.
....................“Parlez-moi d' amour,
....................redites-moi des choses tendres”
....................(sang in the background).
- Du cœur on guérit la blessure, par un serment qui le rassure…
....................“Vous savez bien
....................Que dans le fond je n' en crois rien
....................Mais cependant je veux encore
....................Écouter ce mot que j' adore”
....................(sang in the background)
- Bon, malgré Drafour… je crois que je t’aime encore.
(she said this with a beaming malicious cat-grin, unzipping his pants while fixing her gaze on his fatigued face)
so romantic! Darfour? Sho jab Dorfour?!
mnih elle ma kaffet sho sar next ;)
it's how we live in a bubble so far away from Darfur... well, just so far away. I am just tired I guess.
no need to say how mush dissociated from.. life I got. yet so in touch with the.. the hardships. watching from far at all of it.
thanks for listening hashem.
Thanks for sharing Ghassan. It's so delicate, that conversation.
meen hay wla..i havent been gone even 48 hrs!
beautiful Ghassan.... I agree haider droubi.
Laila, it was me..... lol
hi baby
call me on monday when i'm back and say something sweet ;)
i'm gonna need it badly.
maybe i'll come to boston next weekend. san diego is too far
see you soon
I haven't seen the movie.
Monday? I am at GRC next week end... San Diego what?
Aiwa get some hehe
sweet..i think
i feel the same dissociation and then i feel guilty for the sheltered lives we lead. that's why i'm happy i'm moving from iowa to the real world, where poor homeless people exist (nevermind criminals murderers rapists)
criminals, murderers, rapists? are you sure you're not moving to Hartford?
where are you living people?? you might as well go rough it up in Darfur as well Roubs
such dark and mischevious forces... i love how you structured this :)
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