She was saying that she misses me…
-yeah, me too.
-No I still miss you right now.
-but I am right here!
-you don’t understand. I miss you even when you are here next to me.
-I remembered now how I always missed you, even when we were together.
She always bewilders me with a new concept… still manages to feed me a new impression whenever I see her… a new notion of us. separately and together.
A new longing that we concealed since that conversation, has been growing within me. within us. a restored desire. a revived lust. and how strong lust is when starting anew!
I was always urged to ask : How do you miss me? When he said he does.
Missing CAN be described. Your post proves me right :)
yeee why did you remove it?
what did u remove, Gus?
my picture. I'll post another one. unless you want the same one.
no...i like this....my god....u look so scary!
I was shooting for a tiger-look
ya mamiiii..wlek bek shee..i cant go to bed anymore i hate you :(
I can't see that it's scary! I thought I just look... stern.
stern?? hahah ya right gusferatu :)
i love the picture and i love missing you when you´re with me. it keeps me longing and it keeps the love alive :)
El usuario anónimo dijo...
and i feel completely anonimo here..
i think reinvention keeps love alive
the pic is fabulous! :)
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