Today is my ‘picture’ day. I got this love of pictures from my father. I don’t like taking pictures though and always felt that pictures are mini dead moments that we freeze down from the passing Time. I feel that frantic tourists, who want to photograph every second of vacation, are time assassins, bottling Time into glass frames… like entomologists, going around picking insects and pinning them under a glass covered box, for people to see…
I like looking at pictures though, and could not reconcile these contradictions in myself… And today, I found this picture. A picture I got from a friend, who named it “darjeh-1” (Step-1)… and I remembered. I remembered the steps where we used to ‘chill out’; I remembered the cigarette breaks, the cell phones, and the cold coffees. I remembered my friends and I felt better about today. I still love them as I did before and distance and time didn’t change me a bit!
oh my God gus, i can't believe this..the colors, they're so nostalgic, and what was i thinking when i bought those shoes?!
happy days..always belong to the past.
yes laila. i was going through the yearbook (which i do every now and then) and couldn't believe how happy we were compared to now.
could again be only in my head. i'm pretty sure though it was different..wasn't it? i mean yeah things are good now..but don't you feel we had better days?
gus, you have to post pictures more often. beautiful...bravo, bravo..carry on :)
Thanks. I should post more photographs.
The color is from conversion to sepia, in iPhoto.
Really nice post!!
are you syrian\ lebanese??
Ahlain Amr.
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