Today is one of those days when I truly believe that this winter is never going to end… The Cold is seeping into everything now; and what if it never ends? When would be the next time I see the sun, the real sun, the Mediterranean sun, the dear sweet Mediterranean sun, the one that burns, leaving its mark on your very soul (or at least second degree burns on your body)… I know “the sun is the sun everywhere”, but it’s closer to us in Beirut, here it’s far and cold, very cold!
Since I moved here I came to appreciate the sun more; now I understand why people in cold countries shed their clothes and embrace the sun in public squares… I always thought it’s in bad taste but honestly I wouldn’t do anything less if I see that sun today!
Spring starts and I will be a raving Ra’ian (or is it Ra’ist? Well, a humble selfless worshipper of Ra). I will resurrect Ra (blessed be His name) and spend my days in servitude at his temple; yes a Ra’ian monk! Glorifying the sun god for eternity.
In the name of Ra, Horous and Atem, may Spring come earlier this year. Amen.
I feel the same...where is the warm sun? It is sunny today in Chicago, but the cold kind, you know, white and blah :(
I love your blog and your pics.
Your fellow Ra'ian
Lyne :)
it is sunny here in new york and i hate it still.
Oh my God I was just telling the same thing to someone (I forgot who), that I'm at a stage that I get to every year and it's when I think that it will be winter forever and I just have to accept it and live with it and maybe learn to love it.Horror.
Love the picture, where did you steal it from?
Notice the I's and the Capitalizations? Enjoy because it's never going to happen again. And I mean never :)
Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, please bless us again one more time, we will gladly sacrifice Gus for you.
Hahaha, you guys are the greatest; Lynou!!! thanks for stopping by!
(Mirvat, why so sad sweety? smile and the sun will smile on you, or was it life? Anyway, Abdul-wahhab - ya donya ya gharami; I'm rambling again, I should stop and go now)
babe, read the poem on my blog. i wrote this for you back in the old days when we were lost and miserable back home. sometimes it feels that 3 feet of snow is more comforting than the exposing sun for people who do life like we do..
Oh my god! Blasphemy!! "Quel sacrilege!!"
Nothing is more comforting than the sun; it burns and cleanse, and... well, who's in an existentialist mood today!
(My dear I was so moved by what you wrote in your blog!)
thanks baby. sorry i didn't call you back. it was too cold out to hold the phone :)
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